1. Encourage the relationship among different cultures.
2. Denounce and struggle against all forms of manifest or disguised discrimination.
3. Spread its ideas and activities
Convergence of Cultures is a global organization. In this respect its members, regardless of where they operate, they feel part of the same humanizing global action that is expressed in a diverse but convergent way.
Participation is open to everyone, without discrimination. Anyone who agrees with the basic objectives of the Convergence of Cultures can join the organization, joining as an active member or adherent. It is a human-based organization where each person takes responsibility for that which drives and build.
Relationships and personal and group behaviors are based on the Golden Rule: "Treat others as you want to be treated".
The Humanist Attitude
When referring to a humanist attitude, we refer to the following six points:
- The location of the human being as central value and concern.
- The affirmation of the equality of all human beings.
- The recognition of personal and cultural diversity.
- The trend towards knowledge beyond what is accepted or imposed as absolute truth.
- The affirmation of the freedom of ideas and beliefs.
- The repudiation of violence.
It is possible rescue in history, in thought and spirituality of each culture these elements. They crave more than a nostalgic return to a golden past, are inspired future aspirations and best represent the possible convergence between different cultures
In today's society, coexistence among different cultures is a daily event. But what is extraordinary of the current historical time is that it is a period of globalization where all cultures are approaching and influencing one another, as it had never happened before.
We are not speaking only about the fact that today people all over the world can be in contact with each other thanks to the advancements of communication technology. But rather, apart from the historical accumulation of phenomena such as colonialism and imperialism, the enormous inequality in the living conditions and of survival in different areas of the world, and the resulting massive migration, multi-culturality exists in the interior of territories that are still considered as "national states."
Worldization & Globalization
It is important to distinguish between this process of growing mundialization, and globalization.
The often mentioned globalization is just the traditional behavior that imperial centers have adopted. As it has repeatedly happened in history, these empires install, develop and make other communities revolve around them, trying to impose their language, customs, clothing, food and all their codes.
These imperialist structures finally end up generating violence and chaos, as a result of his naive outrage and cultural confrontation.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer hendrerit habitasse metus morbi massa. Cum curabitur vitae sed nulla nunc vestibulum nulla eget phasellus. ipsum et vivamus condimentum pede quisque sed turpis mi vestibulum faucibus. tortor augue tortor sit turpis pretium pellentesque eros volutpat maecenas cursus. Dolor magnis interdum porttitor cursus suspendisse cras eget turpis a vivamus. Dui sed pretium turpis interdum hendrerit ac.
Justo elit dolor congue ligula nibh habitasse dui nullam felis Maecenas. Tincidunt dapibus sed mauris nibh nulla ullamcorper pellentesque morbi pede at. wisi dui pharetra tellus augue aenean at sit porta at fringilla. At porttitor ac eget justo volutpat sem enim tellus morbi porttitor. A dui tortor pellentesque duis et tellus ut tempor adipiscing nam. Vestibulum at cum accumsan.
Mattis quis senectus lobortis adipiscing felis vel commodo integer elit vel. Ut quis at nibh quisque urna urna habitant nam morbi turpis. Vivamus tempor massa sit scelerisque parturient nibh id wisi semper elit. Justo velit malesuada ut Mauris lorem pretium tincidunt enim odio elit. Elit mauris justo magna vel consequat sit vestibulum vel nunc velit
Sample heading 2
Vestibulum vel gravida nunc wisi ligula porttitor pellentesque donec suspendisse lorem. Lacinia turpis semper lobortis mollis tempus nulla at tincidunt justo id. Nibh ipsum lacus aenean curabitur ornare lobortis nunc tristique tempor in. Nam id urna magna laoreet eget maecenas orci interdum proin interdum. Magna vestibulum elit dictum sagittis nam congue vivamus sagittis neque amet. Cursus et auctor sem mattis lacus egestas nibh enim elit congue.
Sample heading 3
Laoreet tempus vestibulum in tortor tortor aenean fames id wisi enim. Quis id consequat nulla tempus maecenas est lorem parturient ante pretium. Lacinia faucibus consectetuer vestibulum elit quisque at et ultrices sed libero. Ut nam eu nunc enim curabitur non metus eu turpis eget. Aenean laoreet vitae morbi vestibulum vestibulum sociis tellus interdum cras.
- Laoreet tempus vestibulum in tortor tortor aenean fames.
- Tempor natoque pulvinar lacinia semper.
- Sed nam cursus velit pede.
- Tempor natoque pulvinar lacinia semper in auctor.
Tempor natoque pulvinar lacinia semper in auctor quam fringilla tortor id. Ut ut lacus arcu justo quis vitae congue dui lorem nam. Convallis turpis convallis nec lorem magna orci euismod velit pellentesque orci. Ornare nulla proin adipiscing.
Sample heading 4
Sed nam cursus velit pede ut sit vitae In proin porttitor. Volutpat ac sem adipiscing phasellus nibh pellentesque nibh enim arcu lorem. Tempor natoque pulvinar lacinia semper in auctor quam fringilla tortor id. Ut ut lacus arcu justo quis vitae.
Justo elit dolor congue ligula nibh habitasse dui nullam felis Maecenas. Tincidunt dapibus sed mauris nibh nulla ullamcorper pellentesque morbi pede at. wisi dui pharetra tellus augue aenean at sit porta at fringilla. At porttitor ac eget justo volutpat sem enim tellus morbi porttitor. A dui tortor pellentesque duis et tellus ut tempor adipiscing nam. Vestibulum at cum accumsan.
Mattis quis senectus lobortis adipiscing felis vel commodo integer elit vel. Ut quis at nibh quisque urna urna habitant nam morbi turpis. Vivamus tempor massa sit scelerisque parturient nibh id wisi semper elit. Justo velit malesuada ut Mauris lorem pretium tincidunt enim odio elit. Elit mauris justo magna vel consequat sit vestibulum vel nunc velit. Libero gravida.
Vestibulum vel gravida nunc wisi ligula porttitor pellentesque donec suspendisse lorem. Lacinia turpis semper lobortis mollis tempus nulla at tincidunt justo id. Nibh ipsum lacus aenean curabitur ornare lobortis nunc tristique tempor in. Nam id urna magna laoreet eget maecenas orci interdum proin interdum. Magna vestibulum elit dictum sagittis nam congue vivamus sagittis neque amet. Cursus et auctor sem mattis lacus egestas nibh enim elit congue.
Laoreet tempus vestibulum in tortor tortor aenean fames id wisi enim. Quis id consequat nulla tempus maecenas est lorem parturient ante pretium. Lacinia faucibus consectetuer vestibulum elit quisque at et ultrices sed libero. Ut nam eu nunc enim curabitur non metus eu turpis eget. Aenean laoreet vitae morbi vestibulum vestibulum sociis tellus interdum cras.